Office Technology
Intraoral Scanner
The most important benefit of an intraoral scanner is improving patient experience. We have all been to the dental office and have needed to take a traditional impression. It is a serious problem for people who have a severe gag reflex or a fear of choking. Imagine being able to have a digital scan of your teeth instead! Not only is it more comfortable, but it’s cleaner and much faster. It makes the appointment visit less threatening and more efficient. Digital technology is revolutionizing the dental industry and all the benefits are passed on to the patients.
Intraoral Camera

This tool employs a special camera that provides well-defined and precise images of places difficult to see in a patient’s mouth with traditional imaging. Just one more tool to aid your dentist in a thorough and accurate assessment of your dental condition.
These are just some of the technologies that have been brought into common use in recent years in our dental offices. Every year we keep an eye out for new methods of treating our patient’s dental concerns by improving visibility, reducing discomfort, and aiding us in providing complete and thorough assessments. If you have any questions about the technology your dentist is using in your exams, don’t hesitate to ask! Curious patients are educated patients, and we love to encourage our patients to be knowledgeable about their dental care.

The VELscope VX is a groundbreaking technology that is changing the way dentists screen for oral cancer. This cordless device is used to painlessly and quickly examine the soft tissues of the mouth for signs of abnormal, pre-cancerous or cancerous cells. Dentists wear special eyewear and shine the VELscope VX blue light onto the tongue, lips, tonsils, the lining of the cheeks, and the roof and floor of the mouth. Healthy tissues appear green, whereas abnormal tissues appear dark. Often, the VELscope VX is capable of identifying cancerous and pre-cancerous lesions long before they are visible to the naked eye. In addition to VELscope VX screenings, patients can supplement with self-examinations for changes in soft tissue textures or the appearance of sores that bleed or do not go away.
Did you know…
that oral cancer is one of the most dangerous types of cancer in America? Although it only affects approximately 42,000 people annually, only 64 percent of those diagnosed with the disease survive at least five years after diagnosis. Oral cancer often goes undiagnosed for long periods of time due to a lack of obvious signs and symptoms. By the time visible lesions appear, it is often too late for successful treatment. Early detection of oral cancer can significantly improve cancer outcomes.